Friday 17 May 2013

Biology Form 5 bab 2 (Locomotion)

Three type of support system - Exoskeleton, Endoskeleton and Hydrostatic skeleton

Human skeleton with an endoskeleton.
Axis Skeleton -
KeyWord how to remember this Axis Skeleton of vertebrae = CiTy LoSt ( Cervical, Thoracic, Lumber and Sacrum+Coccyx ) And all vertebrae contain 33 vertebrae column.

Number of bone of vertebrae
coloumn= Cervical vertebrae - 7
                                                                    Thoracic vertebrae - 12
                                                                     Lumber vertebrae - 5
                                                                    Sacrum+coccys - 9

Characteristic of vertebrae column=
  1. Cervical Vertebrae - Consist Atlas with number vertebrae column is 1, Axis with number vertebrae column is 1 and Cervical witth number of vertebrae is 5 .
  2. Thoracic Vertebrae - Consist 12 number of vertebrae column.
  3. Lumbar vertebrae - consist 5 number of column
  4. Sacrum and coccyx - consist 5 at sacrum and  4 at coccyx.
How to know the vertebrae column...
  1. Thoracic vertebrae column - At transverse process, its shape like Tube.
  2. Lumbar vertebrae column - As Malay people we called thorn of plank is 'seLumbar' which is at transverse process is sharps.
  3. Sacrum and coccyx - just imaging under Horse shoe crab body.
  4. Other than the Thoracic, Lumber and sacrum n coccyx vertebrae column, we called it Cervical Vertebrae column.
Now.. Let's look out at Appendicular skeleton.
-We just take a most part of the skeleton which is Clavicle, Scapula, Humerus, radius and Ulna.
-At end of upper Humerus bone have a joint that we called it ball-and-socket which is it joint humerus and scapula to move in all direction. Other using this type of ball-and-socket joint is acetabulum to articulate with femur.

Let's move to muscle, Ligament and Tendons.

Muscle      - Made up of bundle of muscle fibre
                  - Have two pair of muscle that join to the bone by tendon
Tendon      - Join muscle to Bone
                  - Strong and inelastic
Ligament   - Made up of yellow fibres, strong but elastic and tough
                  - join bone to bone

Movement of forelimb
Before get started, we just need 4 step to get full marks.
  1. Name the muscle involve
  2. The muscle work antagonistic
  3. What muscle is contract, what muscle is relax
  4. What happen to the muscle which is contract
Easy right ? so let move on to bending n straightening the forelimb.

Bending the forearm
  1. The movement involved biceps and triceps muscle
  2. The muscle work antagonistic
  3. When the biceps contract, the triceps relax.
  4. So then, it will pull the radius and it ready to bend.
Straightening the forearm
  1. The movement involved biceps and triceps muscle
  2. The muscle work antagonistic
  3. When the biceps relax, the triceps contact.
  4. So then, it will pull the ulna and it ready to bend..
Now let's move to LOCOMOTION OF ANIMAL.
Earthworm movement.
  1. The movement involved Longitudanal and Circular muscle.
  2. The muscle work Antagonistic
  3. When the Longitudanal muscle contract, the circular muscle relax
  4. So the body will become shorten and the worm move forward
  1. The movement involved Longitudanal and Circular muscle.
  2. The muscle work Antagonistic
  3. when the Longitudanal Muscle relax, the circular muscle contract
  4. So the body will become longer and the worm is move backward
Grashopper movement
  1. The movement involved Extensor and flexor muscle
  2. The muscle work antagonistic
  3. When the Flexor muscle contract, the extensor muscle relax
  4. So the real leg are ready for jump.
Bird Movement
  1. The movement involved petorals major and pectoral minor.
  2. The muscle work Antagonistic
  3. When the Pectoral Major contract, the pectoral minor relax.
  4. So the contracted will pull the wing up.
  1. The movement involved petorals major and pectoral minor.
  2. The muscle work Antagonistic
  3. When the pectoral major relax, the pectoral minor contract
  4. So the contracted will pull the wing down.
Consequences of impaired Musculoskeleton system on support and Locomotion.


- Diseases of reducing of mass bone and the bone become porous and lighter.
- Occur most old women because they do not produce sex hormone
-Symptoms= Reduction in hike and stooped postured.
-Way to prevent = Take a lot of vitamin D and eat alot of cheese or milk. Do more excersice 

Muscle cramps
- A sudden contraction of muscle which results in a sudden, intense pain and an inability to use the affected muscle. Other, its occur among the athletes or older people.